Kamis, 04 Desember 2008

The Amazing History of Chocolate

The history of chocolate is quite amazing. The story dates back to the era when America was discovered. The stimulating flavor unknown to the world until 1492 went on to become the most famous flavor of millions.
The earliest references to chocolate are nearly fifteen hundred years ago. The Central American rain forest, where unique blend of high rain fall, temperature and humidity is found, is the best environ where cocoa trees cultivate. The Mayan civilization of the Central America worshiped the Cocoa tree which was believed to be of divine origin. Actually Cocoa is a Mayan word which means 'God Food' and hence the botanical generic name of cocoa tree is 'Theobrama Cacao' (Food of the Gods). The word 'cacao' was then corrupted by the early European explorers into Cocoa.
The history of chocolate depicts that the Mayans brewed bittersweet, spicy drink which was prepared by roasting and pounding the cocoa seeds with capsicum and chili then fermenting it lastly. This drink was served by the wealthy and elite. The Aztecs of central Mexico were able to acquire these beans through trade and war. They prized these beans so highly that it was used as a currency and was used to buy slaves. Like Mayans the Aztecs also prepared fermented beverages from cocoa beans and used in rituals or as a status symbol by rich people of the society. Aztecs called this special drink as Xocolatl. The word which was hard to pronounce was corrupted to 'chocolat' which was further changed to chocolate by the English.
Chocolate was regarded as an aphrodisiac by the Aztec Emperor Montezuma, who it is believed that used to drink fifty times a day from a golden goblet. The beans were such a treasure for this emperor that when the palace of king was searched for gold and silver by the conqueror Cortez, he found only heaps of cocoa beans.
Chocolate was brought to Europe by Cortez. By this time the process of making the drink was improvised and a more palatable drink that was widely available. The process consisted of mixing sugar and vanilla to the roasted beans which contributed in offsetting the bitterness of the brew which was peculiar to the Aztec's drinks.
The first chocolate factory existed in Spain. In the early period of 17th century chocolate powder was on the horizon. Soon the beverage made from the cocoa powder of Spain become quite popular throughout the Europe. It arrived in England by the year 1520 and the first chocolate house in England was opened in 1657. Soon the ever increasing coffee houses became thronging clubs full of wealthy business people.
The history of chocolate is incomplete without a reference to the Quakers, a pacifist religious sect, who held a virtual monopoly of chocolate making in English speaking world. Deprived of the entrance in traditional businesses Quaker entered the field of chocolate making and made it into an art over the years braced with years of experience.
The history of chocolate is more enchanting than tales in Arabian Nights. One could only marvel at the turn the chocolate has taken in the past. Enjoy these chronicles over a bite of your favorite chocolate.
Chocolate is something people love, and what better gift to give someone than those hand made truffles and chocolate delights. The problem is which one should you aim for? The best solution is to be part of a tasting club, where you can sample different chocolates. http://www.mychocolateblog.com is a great site to get tips and recipes for your favourite food, chocolate. Tips like dip a coffee spoon in chocolate, allow to set and then stir your coffee. Take a look today at http://www.mychocolateblog.com for everything chocolate.

Senin, 10 November 2008

Pak BOy

Warung ini namanya warung “Pak Boy” bukan karena dia pernah ikutan maen Catatan Si Boy lho tapi emang nama warung ini diambil dari namanya sendiri. Mungkin juga terinspirasi dari posturnya tubuhnya yang imut abis hahaha..Di Warung yang terkenal murah ini kita bisa pesan nasi rames sesuai porsi kita dijamin kenyang dan aman dech soalnya gak ada tu barang makanan yang bekas semalem diangetin lagi, semua makanan yang disediakan baru dan terlihat segar apalagi Balado Ati Sapinya MMMMhh Mak Nyesssss. Dulu emang warung ini namanya warung Murah Meriah karena tadi emang warung ini terkenal murah tapi sekarang sudah bertransformasi jadi Warung Pak Boy.Tapi tetep...murah.
Warung yang ada di Jl Godean km 4 ini letaknya strategis bersampingan dengan Primagama dan Radio Star Fm yang baru..Mungkin setelah makan diwarung ini langsung tertarik membeli sepeda motor pun ada di seberang jalan persis ada Suzuki motor, tu kan bener – bener strategis dech gak jauh – jauh amat kok.Jangan salah,Pak Boy ini Sarjana Elektro lho bos jadi jangan macem – macem bisa di soldir ente..So tunggu apalagi langsung datengin warung Pak Boy jangan ampe kelewatan..

Rabu, 05 November 2008


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